
  • 网络foam at the mouth; foaming at the mouth; foams



foam at the mouth

foam away是什么意思_foam... ... all in a foam 浑身是汗 foam at the mouth 口吐白沫,怒气冲冲,大发雷霆 foam away 化作泡影 ...

foaming at the mouth

香港新闻从业者用语 ... 十二指肠溃疡 duodenal ulcer 口吐白沫 foaming at the mouth 大便失禁 be incontinent of faeces ...


表情动作指令... ... /28 /key 显示 钥匙 的泡泡框 /30 /foams 显示 口吐白沫 的泡泡框 /31 /badmood 显示 心情糟透了 的泡泡框 ...

foam in the mouth

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在... ... 舌态 fnative state of the tongue 口吐白沫 foam in the mouth 强力呼吸 foced respiration ...

frothy salivation

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词... ... 涎沫 frothy saliva 口吐白沫 frothy salivation 大皂角 fruit of Chinese honeylocust ...

foams at the mouth

马可福音 Mark ... rigid 坚硬的 foams at the mouth 口吐白沫 gnash the teeth 咬牙切齿 ...
