
  • 网络founder's stock; founder's share; deferred shares stock



founder's stock

英语单词in... ... forged stocks 伪造股票 founder's stock 发起人股, 创立人股, 后分股息股 freak stocks 中间产品 ...

founder's share

联合国译... ... *found in good and due form 确认无误 *founder's share 发起人股 *four-digit tariff headings 四位数税目编号 ...

deferred shares stock

defer... ... deferred shares stock {n.}创立人股,发起人股,后分股息的股票,后分股息股,后分股息 deferred shoots [医]迟出条 ...

Sponsor's Shares

... 股份总数 Total Shares 发起人股 Sponsor's Shares 国家股 State-owned Shares ...

deferred share stock

... deferred share of stock {n.}后取股 deferred share stock {n.}发起人股,后分股息股 deferred shares of stock {n.}后取股 ...

action d' apport

石家庄雅信博文翻译有限公司 ... action nominative 记名股票 action d' apport 发起人股 action ordinaire 普通股 ...
