
  • na.launch an attack
  • 网络declare war on; launch strikes; SG



declare war on

osteo-的意思 中文翻译 ... declare oneself 发表意见, 显露身份 declare war on 对...宣战, 发动进攻 declared 公告的, 公然的 ...

launch an attack

卢湾区短语_建平终极班吧... ... 26.an atomic bomb 原子弹 27.launch an attack 发动进攻 28.launch an invasion 发动入侵 ...

launch strikes

翻译考试常考高频词汇(转新东方武峰博客) ... land mines 地雷阵 launch strikes 发动进攻 martyrdom 殉教,殉道,牺牲 ...


NBA2K10 全方位攻略+详细翻译 - -... ... +BASELLINE EXCHANGE: 底线跑位 +SG TAKE:SG 发动进攻 +STACK SF-C:S…

to launch an attack

attack的中文翻译,attack中文是... ... to come under attack 遭到袭击 to launch an attack 发动进攻 an attack on sb 袭击某人 ...

to start the attack

进攻的英文翻译,进攻用英... ... 进攻要塞 to attack a stronghold 发动进攻 to start the attack 进攻队员 one of the attackers ...

on the

... render back 报答, 归还 on the ~ 发动进攻 --If all else fails,I’ll go over to the ~. 如果其他方法都失败,我将采取攻势。 ...

launch attack

外语教研|听力特快|英语广播分类词汇 -... ... landing 登陆 launch attack 发动进攻 leap-frog 交替前进 ...
