
  • 网络Anti-competitive practices; anti-competitive behavior; anti-competitive behaviour



Anti-competitive practices

WTO常用术语... ... 国内生产 domestic production 反竞争行为 anti-competitive practices 生产补贴 production subsidy ...

anti-competitive behavior

反竞争行为 (Anti-competitive behavior)–为保持企业市场支配力或市场地位实施的行为,例如掠夺性定价。(中文译者:或称“ …

anti-competitive behaviour

A too-cosy world? ---Economist ... strike new agency agreements 达成新的代理协议 anti-competitive behaviour 反竞争行为 ...

anti-competitive practice

译网情深 -... ... antenna tower 天线塔 anti-competitive practice 反竞争行为 any-to-any connectivity 网络自由接驳 ...

anti-competition behavior

我搜集的一些... ... monopoly profit( 垄断利润)。 anti-competition behavior反竞争行为) speculation and hoarding( 囤积 …

anti-competition practices

...tion)问题存在着双重的方法。在宏观经济层面上,反竞争行为(anti-competition practices)被认为是对经济有害的,并出于公 …

Anti-competitive behaviours

Living... ... Monopoly pricing 垄断定价 Anti-competitive behaviours 反竞争行为 Extension of trade theory 贸易理论之延伸 ...
