
  • 网络Historical Philology; Historical bibliography; Studies of Historical Literature



Historical Philology

清华大学2010... ... 060100历史学( History) 01历史文献学( Historical Philology) 02专门史( History of Particular Subjects) ...

Historical bibliography

上海... ... 档案管理学 Administration of Archives 历史文献学 Historical bibliography 中国近代史 Neoteric Chinese History ...

Studies of Historical Literature

你的专业用英语怎么说。 ... 历史地理学 Historical Geography 历史文献学(含敦煌学、古文字学) Studies of Historical Literature ...

Historical Document

留学上海 ... 59. 历史文献学 Historical Document 65. 计算机系统结构 Computer System Architecture ...

textual-historical criticism

...著重於挖掘 文献,以语言学(philology)和历史文献学(textual-historical criticism)的方法, 视文本为记载真实历史的文献,在禅宗灯...

Studies of Historical Documents

PyjhQuery_Fl ... 历史文献学( Studies of Historical Documents) 科学技术史( History of Science) ...

History Bibliography

... 第二次世界大战史 History of the Second World War 历史文献学 History Bibliography 世界近现代史 (Modern World History ...

Chinese Historical Philology

Welcome to Renmin... ... Chinese Historical Philology历史文献学) Chinese Historical Geography( 中国历史地理) ...
