
  • 网络febrile disease at wei phase; symptoms at the defense phase; weifen syndrome



febrile disease at wei phase

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专... ... 热病 febrile disease 卫分证 febrile disease at wei phase 暑热证 febrile disease in summer ...

symptoms at the defense phase

... 血分症 symptoms at the blood phase 卫分证 symptoms at the defense phase 营分证 symptoms at the nutrient phase ...

weifen syndrome

04.诊断学 ... 厥阴蛔厥证 syndrome of syncope due to ascariasis of Jueyin 卫分证 weifen syndrome 气分证 qifen syndrome ...

syndrome if wei systim

专业... ... 碱中毒综合症 syndrome fo alkalosis 卫分证 syndrome if wei systim 太阳经症 syndrome involving taiyang channel ...
