
  • n.【食】Rice with Stewed Pork
  • 网络Braised pork rice; Minced pork rice; Steamed Rice with Red-Cooked Pork



Braised pork rice

~* 卡珞甜蜜屋 *~ ... 腊肠蒸肉 Dry Sausage Steamed Pork 卤肉饭 Braised Pork Rice 法式火腿菠菜蛋奶派 Quiche Lorraine ...

Rice with Stewed Pork

麦和谷 ... 鸡丁饭 Rice with Kung-Pao Chicken 卤肉饭 Rice with Stewed Pork 鱼香肉丝饭 Rice with Fish Flavored Pork ...

Minced pork rice

卤肉饭 (Minced pork rice) by uravms on Flickr.Canon 7D 15-85mm Travel TaiTung Chinese Rice IMG_6175 by hinaochison o…

Steamed Rice with Red-Cooked Pork

看看中文菜单英文翻... ... 八宝饭 Eight Delicacies Rice 卤肉饭 Steamed Rice with Red-Cooked Pork 煎包 Pan-Fried Dumplings ...

Steamed rice with marinated pork

上海浦东大酒店仕尚餐厅_西餐菜单_西餐咨询网 ... 卤肉饭 Steamed rice with marinated pork 意大利直面或管面 Spaghetti or Pe…

braised pork on rice

这些你常吃的美食英文要怎麽说呢?... ... 鸡肉饭 shredded chicken on rice 卤肉饭 braised pork on rice 大饼卷牛肉 beef rolls ...

Braised pork with Rice

Yi Tea Shop - Food & Snacks ... Pudding 布丁 Braised pork with Rice 卤肉饭 Roasted Chicken Leg with Rice 鸡腿饭 ...

Formosa Ragu over Rice

纽约吃货团第一次行动 走起... ... Sausage 烤香肠 Formosa Ragu over Rice 卤肉饭 Hakka Delicacies 落汤脐 米台目 ...
