
  • n.cumulative penalty
  • 网络aggravation of penalty below minimum statutory prescript; accumulative penalty; aggravated punishment beyond the maximum prescribed



cumulative penalty

penalty... ... criterion of imposing penalty {n.}量刑标准 cumulative penalty {n.}加重判刑,加重处罚 death penalty {n.}死刑 ...

aggravation of penalty below minimum statutory prescript

Lawbiz涉外律师网 ... 从重处罚 heavier punishment 加重处罚 aggravation of penalty below minimum statutory prescript ...

accumulative penalty

华译网翻译公司|法律翻译... ... accumulation trust 储蓄信托 accumulative penalty 加重处罚 accusation 罪名 ...

aggravated punishment beyond the maximum prescribed

prescribe-法律界 ... transcript n 副本,抄本(誊写的抄本) aggravated punishment beyond the maximum prescribed加重处

the aggravated punishment

加重刑罚,aggravated... ... ) an accessory penalty 附加刑罚 ) the aggravated punishment 加重处罚 ...

cumulative punishment

cumulative的意思在线翻译:英文解释,中文含义... ... cumulative evidence. 累积证据 cumulative punishment. 加重处罚 ...

une circonstance aggravante

...不仅不是法律不予追究的家庭夫妻内部行为,而是一种应加重处罚une circonstance aggravante)的行为。
