
  • 网络check in; Checking In; boarding procedure



check in

普吉岛中英泰常用词汇对照表(非常实用) ... 登记牌 boarding pass 办理登机手续 check in 候机室 departure lounge ...

Checking In

海外生存攻略和必备英语——美国版-百道网 ... 换算 Conveion 办理登机手续 Checking in 乘机中 In the plane ...

boarding procedure

观光旅游常用简单英语 | 英语大学 ... 打电话英语( phone call) 办理登机手续 boarding procedure 头等舱 first class ...

Check-in now

黉宫天地------江宝秀之耕读园 ... 候机时 候机室 Waiting room 办理登机手续 Check-in now 登机中 Boarding ...

check-in time

英语_南航电子商务2002_院校_西祠胡同 ... 飞机时刻表 plane time table 办理登机手续 check-in time 汇率 exchange rate ...

Airport Check-in

... 1.I'd like around-trip ticket. 我要一张往返票。 2.Airport Check-in 办理登机手续 3.In-flight Service 在飞机上的服务 ...

At the check-in counter

U2-Travel by air - 日志 - Murphy大叔 -... ... That’s great rate. 价格很优惠 At the check-in counter 办理登机手续 ...

Going through check-in

Unit 1 Traveling by Air... ... 4.Lost and found 失物招领 5.Going through check-in 办理登机手续 6.At the airport 在机场 ...
