
  • 网络interest articulation; Articulation of Interests; expression of interests



interest articulation

  “利益表达interest articulation )”是现代政治学的一个基本范畴,它在民主政治研究中占有重要地位。[1]中国经过长期的改革 …

Articulation of Interests

政治学常见名词中英文对照... ... 连续统一体 Continuum 利益表达 Articulation of Interests 评价研究 Evaluation Research ...

expression of interests

利益的表达,benef... ... ) benefit expression 利益表达 ) expression of interests 利益表达 ) interest articulation 利益表达 ...

Expression of Interest

利益... ... ) right of peasant expression 农民利益表达权 ) Expression of Interest 利益表达 ) benefit expression 利益表达 ...

interest expression

Insurable... ... 利益团体: Interest Organization 利益表达Interest Expression 利率传导: Interest Rate Transmission ...

benefit expression

利益表达权,The... ... ) Expression of Interest 利益表达 ) benefit expression 利益表达 ) expression of interests 利益表达 ...

interesting articulation

...g)、司法(rule adjudication)、利益表达interesting articulation)、利益汇集(interesting aggregation)。 三、公共政策…

expressed needs

...公正、积极行动(positive action)、利益表达(expressed needs)等。
