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Creative thinking

(9)创造性思维能力Creative thinking) :抽象思维和形象思维是创造性思维的基本形式。创造性思维能力是指思维主体进 …

creative thinking ability

... 思考力水平: thinking ability 创造性思维能力creative thinking ability 创新思维能力: creative ability of thinking ...

creative thinking abilities

创造力(creativity)则是一种创造的能力(abilily to create),也有学者称之为创造性思维能力(creative thinking abilities)(Ellis,1982…

creative thinking skills

什么意思_英语creative... ... creative thinking skills 创造性思维能力 creative thinking training 思考训练 ...

creative or productive thinking

...ial academic aptitude);3.创造性思维能力creative or productive thinking);4.领导能力(leadership ability);5.视觉和 …

critical & creative thinking skills

(1)批判性和创造性思维能力 (critical & creative thinking skills); (2)提出问题、分析问题、解决问题和评价问题的实际操 …

creative ability of thinking

verbal... ... 历史比较思维能力: ability of comparative-historical thinking 创造性思维能力creative ability of thinking ...

Creative thinking ability in physics learning

verbal... ... 思维培养: training of thinking ability 创造性思维能力Creative thinking ability in physics learning ...
