
  • 网络Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering; Transactions of the CSAE; Journal of Chinese Agricultural Engineering



Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering

农业工程学报 ( Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering ) ISSN:1002-6819,2004,20(5):12-21液体-颗粒 …

Transactions of the CSAE

MODIS土地利用... ... 尽管 MODIS 农 业 工 程 学 报 Transactions of the CSAE 图 1 研究区域 Location of study area ...

Journal of Chinese Agricultural Engineering

TAO_EJ ... 农业工程学报 Journal of Chinese Agricultural Engineering 理律法律杂志(英文版) Lee and Li Bulletin ...

Trans of the Chin Society of Agricultural Eng

... 农药学学报 Chinese Journal of Pesticide Science 农业工程学报 Trans of the Chin Society of Agricultural Eng ...


2008版中文核心期... ... 植物保护 农药学学报 NYXB 6/9 植物保护 农业工程学报 NYGU 1/8 农业工程 1农业环境科学学报 NHB…

Defated Wheat

英文篇名 -... ... 寻优性能研究 studies on its 农业工程学报 , Defated Wheat 脱脂麦胚蛋白粉的 Germ Protein ...

Trans of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering

英国《国际... ... 农村生态环境 Rural Eco-environment 农业工程学报 Trans of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering ...

Environ Earth Sci
