
  • 网络inland freight; Inland transportation charge; Freight from factory to Port



inland freight

China Tyre Export: 国际运输费用英语 ... heavy lift surcharge 超重附加费 inland freight 内陆运费 landing charges 卸货费 ...

Inland transportation charge

国际货运代理英语词汇... ... Inland depot 内陆货运站 Inland transportation charge 内陆运费 Inspection certificate 检验证书 ...

Freight from factory to Port

湛江海关公告2009年第7号 ... 原产地接货费 original receiving charge 内陆运费 Freight from factory to Port 文件费 DOC ...

inland transportation expenses

国贸实务... ... 一、 1)国内费用包括 内陆运费 inland transportation expenses: 主运费、过桥费、装卸费 包装费 packing expe…

Trucking charge

青岛源泰国际货运代理有限公司 ... 换单费用 Delivery order fee 内陆运费 Trucking charge 项目明细/ Charge of Contents ...

Inland Arbitary

... Asia North America Eastbound Rate Agreement 亚洲北美东向运费协会 Inland Arbitary 内陆运费 Air Waybill 空运提单 ...

inland fee

只要客户提供的zip code不是美国偏远区,则快递都可以送货到门所以不计内陆运费(inland fee)了。产品是抛货?还是重货?考虑 …
