
  • 网络Home Secretary; the Home Secretary; Secretary of State for the Home Department



Home Secretary

依据英国安全局法案,MI5应受内政大臣(Home Secretary )节制,其局长(Director General)为内政大臣经首相同意后任命,除督 …

the Home Secretary

整个英国的警力都由内政大臣the Home Secretary )掌控 ;其中,伦敦的警力直接由内政大臣调动。15. A 英国大法官(Lor…

Secretary of State for the Home Department

英国有关女王的英... ... Secretary of State for the Home Department 内政大臣 Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain 大法官 ...

Government minister in charge of the Home Office

... Government minister in charge of the Home Office (英国)内政大臣. He was homesick for Italy. 他思念祖国意大利. ...

Secretary of State for Home Affairs

英国政治常用词汇_天涯博客... ... 内政大臣Secretary of State for Home Affairs 海军大臣: First Lord of Admiralty ...

Secretary of the State for the Home Department

沪江博客 - 虹源 ... ... Parliamentary Under Secretaries 政务次官 Secretary of the State for the Home Department 内政大臣 ...

Cabinet minister

Michael Howard ... feuding: 不和 Cabinet minister: 内政大臣 opinion polls: 民意调查: ...

Secretary of State for Home Department

有关政府机构的词汇... ... Prime Minister 首相 Secretary of State for Home Department 内政大臣 Lord High Chancellor 大法官 ...
