
  • 网络old-age pension; pension system; the old-age insurance system



old-age pension

新东方中高级口译口... ... multi’lateral trade negotiation n. 多边贸易谈判 old-age pension n. 养老保险制度 pen’sion 退休金 ...

pension system

公开课回顾:两会热门翻译... ... 社保基金 social insurance funding 养老保险制度 pension system 住房保障 housing security ...

the old-age insurance system

翻译中的一些常... ... 养老保险 retirement insurance 养老保险制度 the old-age insurance system 医疗保险 medical insurance ...


首先介绍了美国养老保险制度OASDI)的覆盖范围、资金筹集、养老金计算等方面的内容;然后重点分析了我国的养老保险 …

pension insurance system

... 8、Copyright licensing business 版权贸易 9、Pension insurance system 养老保险制度 10、Disguised inflation 变相膨胀 ...

basic old-age insurance system

温总理报告最新词汇和句型 ... 失业保险: unemployment insurance system 养老保险制度: basic old-age insurance system ...

O old age pension

英语翻译... ... multi-lateral trade negotiation 多边贸易谈判 O old age pension 养老保险制度 on-the-job training 岗位培训 ...

the old-age i urance system

M4有多少证据种类! - 穿越火线 -... ... 养老保险制度 the old-age i urance system 医疗保险 medical i urance ...
