
  • na.raise children to provide against [for] old age
  • 网络raising children for old age; raising sons to support one in one's old age; One raise children as a guarantee against old age



raising children for old age

都说养儿防老raising children for old age),儿子已经28岁了,老徐做梦都没想到自己曾经乖巧懂事的儿子能变得如此丧心病 …

raising sons to support one in one's old age

有道英汉在线翻译... ... 衙门 yamen 养儿防老raising sons to support one in one's old age 夜猫子 night people;night-owls ...

One raise children as a guarantee against old age

and store up grains against famine

... rear sons for help in old age;and store up grains against famine. 养儿防老。 reason binds the man. 理智约束著人。 ...

raise osns to support one in one,s

旅游英语名词字典: IEL T S 雅思英检6000字... ... 养育 nourish 养儿防老 raise osns to support one in one,s 养狗 keep dogs ...

rearing children for old age

养儿防老,rearing children for... ... ) rearing children for old age 养儿防老 ) daughter support for the elderly 女儿养老 ...

depend on one's children when they get old

...me)的一种补充,但是有人认为以房养老与中国传统的养儿防老depend on one's children when they get old)的传统观念 …

of parents

...sectary 养得起的 sustainable 养儿防老 (of parents) to bring up cihldren for the purpose of being looked after in old age...
