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the platform Sutra of the sixth patriarch

...兰教的基本经典《古兰经》(Koran),禅宗经典《六祖坛经》(the platform Sutra of the sixth patriarch)之类的作品,看到 …

Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch

常用佛教名词... ... Perfect and Sudden Attainment of Buddhahood 圆顿成佛论 Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch 六祖坛经 ...

Platform Sutra by Sixth Patriarch

求宗教英文单字 - Yahoo... ... 《心经》 Heart Sutra 《六祖坛经Platform Sutra by Sixth Patriarch 小乘佛教 Mahayana Buddhi…

The Wisdom of the Zen Masters

Philosophy 哲学... ... 心经 / Heart Sutra 六祖坛经 / The Wisdom of the Zen Masters 中庸 / The Doctrine of the Mean ...

The Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra

汉英佛经资源_易莲精舍... ... ●《六祖坛经The Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra ●《黄檗传心法要》 The Dharma of Mind Trans…

The Sutra of the Sixth Master of Zen Buddhism

通识课程 ... 六祖坛经 The Sutra of the Sixth Master of Zen Buddhism 红楼梦 The Dream of Red Chamber ...
