
  • na.【中医】the six factors in nature (wind, cold, summer heat, humidity, dryness and fire)
  • 网络six kinds of natural factors; the six kinds of weather; the six kinds of natural factors



six kinds of natural factors

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专... ... 六纲 six guiding principles 六气 six kinds of natural factors 六郁 six kinds of stagnancy ...

the six kinds of weather

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词... ... 六郁 the six kinds of stasis 六气 the six kinds of weather 六经 the six meridians ...

the six kinds of natural factors

专业... ... 六腑 the six hollow viscera 六气 the six kinds of natural factors 六郁 the six kinds of stagnation-syndromes ...

six climatic factors

本言工社翻译博客-中医常用词汇1 ... 五运, five evolutive phases 六气, six climatic factors 主气, host climatic qi ...

six climates

中医术语(英词汇)_世纪凯若翻译_天涯博客 ... 六淫 six exopathogens 六气 six climates 伤寒** ogenous febrile disease ...

the six natural factorts

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双语例句 ... 六气 the six natural factorts 外科医生的技术 the skil of a surgeon ...

Correlative Study on Five Evolutive Phases and Six Climatic Factors and Epidemic Diseases
