
  • 网络Road Transportation; carriage of gooods by road; carriage of goods by road



Road Transportation

  公路货物运输Road Transportation)是现代运输主要方式之一,同时,也是构成陆上货物运输的两个基本运输方式之一。它 …

carriage of gooods by road

商务电话英语和物流英... ... carriage of goods by sea 海上货物运输 carriage of gooods by road 公路货物运输 carrier 承运人 ...

carriage of goods by road

外贸术语缩写 - 豆丁网 ... carriage of goods by sea 海上货物运输 carriage of goods by road 公路货物运输 carrier 承运人 3 ...

Carriage of Goods by Highway

梁景威律师事务所 ... 翁 垒 Weng Lei 公路货物运输 Carriage of Goods by Highway 吴 恒 Wu Heng ...

Road cargo transport

cargo - 英汉词典 ... Marine cargo transport 海运 Road cargo transport 公路货物运输 Intermodal cargo transport 联合货运 ...

road freight transportation

... 铁路货物运输: railway freight transportation 公路货物运输road freight transportation 海上货运代理: Freight Forward ...

Road Freight Forwarding
