
  • na.【针灸】the eight confluent acupoints connecting the eight extra channels
  • 网络eight confluence points; eight confluent points; the eight confluent points



eight confluence points

中医术语(英词汇)_世纪凯若翻译_天涯博客 ... 八溪 eight joints 八脉交会穴 eight confluence points 人中疔 boi on philtrum ...

eight confluent points

十二经脉与奇经八脉相通的8个腧穴,称为“八脉交会穴”(eight confluent points),又称“交经八穴”。八脉交会穴均位于腕踝部的 …

the eight confluent points

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双语例句 ... 八脉交会穴 the eight confluent points 八纲 the eight guiding principles ...

the Eight Confluent acupoint

针灸术语英文表达第二部... ... 奇穴 the Extra acuoint 八脉交会穴 the Eight Confluent acupoint 交会穴 the Crossing acupoint ...

The eight convergent acupoints

相关英语 ... 间接灸 Indirect moxibustion 八脉交会穴 The eight convergent acupoints 艾条灸 Moxibustion with moxa roll ...

confluence points of the eight vessels

COMPLETE BANK OF TERMS USED BY N ... 八脉交会穴 confluence points of the eight vessels 八般头风 eight kinds of head …
