
  • na.enterprise owned by the whole people
  • 网络an enterprise owned by the whole people; enterprises owned by the whole people; The whole people Enterprise



enterprise owned by the whole people

whole... ... 3. The people as a whole. 集体作为一个整体的人群 4. enterprise owned by the whole people 全民所有制企业 ...

an enterprise owned by the whole people

... 取证 obtain evidence 全民所有制企业 an enterprise owned by the whole people 权威解释 authentic interpretation ...

enterprises owned by the whole people

法律英语词汇集锦 ... ... 担保人的破产 bankruptcy of the guarantor 全民所有制企业 enterprises owned by the whole people ...

The whole people Enterprise

全民所有制 英文怎么说_百度知道 ... 全民所有制企业 The whole people Enterprise 全民所有制 The whole people ...

Owned Etp

制作英文简历常用单词和短语-2_北京人才网... ... 全民所有制企业 Owned Etp. 全民所有制企业的营业单位 Owned Etp. Bss. unit…
