
  • na.place a substitute by subterfuge
  • 网络The Italian Job; The Turn; Tricks of the Trade



The Italian Job

专辑偷天换日(The Italian Job)歌曲列表偷天换日(The Italian Job)所有歌曲 偷天换日(The Italian Job)所有专辑 偷天换日(The Itali...

The Turn

偷天换日The Turn):平凡普通的事物,却做出某件不可思议的事情。化腐朽为神奇(The Prestige):最后,消失的东西却 …

Tricks of the Trade

Mystery... ... -- Slice and Dice-- 切割 -- Tricks of the Trade-- 偷天换日 -- Turn the Tables-- 嫁祸栽赃 ...

play a sly trick by stealing the sky and putting up a sham sun

perpetrate a gigantic fraud

"perpetrate"怎么... ... perpetrate a fraud 偷梁换柱; perpetrate a gigantic fraud 偷天换日; perpetrate outrages 为非作歹; ...

in an underhand attempt
