
  • n.credit analysis
  • 网络Credit Analyst; credit analysts; analysis for credit



credit analysis

财务英语英汉对照表 (C) - MBA智库百科 ... credit agreement 贷款协议 credit analysis 信用分析 credit analyst 信用分析师 ...

Credit Analyst

公司、企业、外企、各职位英文对照 ... 预算分析 Budget Analyst 信用分析 Credit Analyst 信用管理经理 Credit Manager ...

credit analysts

信贷英文词汇 -... ... Credit analysis on banks 银行信用分析 Credit analysts 信用分析 Credit assessment 信用评估 ...

analysis for credit

applicant for the credit怎么翻译 -... ... 信用证申请人 applicant for letter of credit 信用分析 analysis for credit ...

Senior Credit Analyse

施耐德变频... ... Experienced Technical Engineer- 技术工程师 Senior Credit Analyse 信用分析 Korean Accountant 会计(韩语…

analysis for credit purpose

4 ... 3 信用调查员 credit man 3 信用分析 analysis for credit purpose 5 信用汇票 credit bill ...

Credit Analyzing

“信用审批”用英文怎么说?_爱问知识人 ... Credit Scoring- 信用评分 Credit Analyzing- 信用分析 Credit Vetting- 信用审批 ...
