
  • 网络certificate of insurance; Insurance Certificate; I Certificate of insurance



certificate of insurance

理财初学者 ... 受保列表( Schedule) 保险证书Certificate of Insurance) 车险保单( Motor Policy) ...

Insurance Certificate

消防专业词汇英语翻译_百度文库 ... insurance carrier 保险公司 insurance certificate 保险证书 insurance claim 保险索赔 ...

I Certificate of insurance

航运术语缩写大全-青青岛社区 ... c/d cancelling date 销约日 c/i certificate of insurance 保险证书 c/l crew list 船员名单 ...

letter of indemnity

【货代知识】货代常用英文缩写 ... 保税仓库 bonded warehouse 保险证书 letter of indemnity 保证金 margin ...

cover note

联合国译员口译词汇 ... court of justice 法院 * cover note 保险证书 * covered products 受惠产品[优惠] * ...

insurance policy

加上企业所面临的威胁越来越多,业务不间断的最后一道防线--「保险证书insurance policy)」也已无法满足目前需求。IBM …

Warranty Certificate

...pletion and Possession)以及保险证书Warranty Certificate)。
