
  • n.supply station; supply depot
  • 网络Supply Depot; Supply station; filling station



Supply Depot

供应站(Supply Depot):可添加8点人口。迷信站(Science Facility):可附加物理试验所,研讨电磁冲击波、辐射和动力反映堆, …

Supply station

有关飞航单位的英文单字 - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... 资讯室 : Information room 供应站Supply station 场站组 : Airfield group ...

filling station

供应站 ( filling station )当客户机的固件因连接到运行早期版本固件的服务器而导致固件降级到早期 版本时,此客户机需要连接到 …

a supply station

供应的英文翻译,供应用英语怎么说 -... ... 供应粮食 to supply food 供应站 a supply station 计划供应 to plan supply ...

feeding station

Olympic Summer Sports Glossary ... edge of the track 跑道边缘 feeding station 供应站 finishing post 终点标杆 ...

refreshment station

Olympic Summer Sports... ... recall starter;recaller 助理发令员 refreshment station 供应站 rehydration station 补水站 ...

Supply Generation

太空帝国4全能力翻译,做MOD用... ... Palace 宫殿 Supply Generation 供应站 Planet - Change Minerals Value 行星 改变矿物 …

Supplies Station

有关飞航单位的英文单字 - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... 资讯室 : Information Room 供应站Supplies Station 场站组 : Airfield Grou…
