
  • 网络Faxian's Record of Buddhist countries; Fo-kuo,chi; Record of Buddhist Countries



Faxian's Record of Buddhist countries

A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms (20) ... 佛供 An offering to Buddha. 佛国记 Faxian's Record of Buddhist countries. ...


慈济大学最爱说谎: 慈济卢蕙馨教授老是说谎 ... Fo-kuang,Monastery 佛光寺, Fo-kuo,chi 佛国记, Fo,Guang,Shan 佛光山, ...

Record of Buddhist Countries

... Reconciliation of Disputes in Ten Aspects 十门和诤论 Record of Buddhist Countries 佛国记 Record of Linji 临济录 ...

A Record of the Buddhist Countries

... 奉橘帖 Letter Offering Oranges 佛国记 A Record of the Buddhist Countries 富春山居图 Living in the Fuchun Mountains ...

Biography of Buddhism

佛国记,Biography... ... ) buddisha Yutian 佛国于阗 ) Biography of Buddhism 佛国记 ) Zhongguo Fojiao Zhuanji 中国佛教传记 ...

CA Record of the Buddhistic Kingdoms

1877年,翟理思翻译出版了《佛国记》(CA Record of the Buddhistic Kingdoms),又称《法显传》。翟理思的这本《佛国记 …

A Record of the Buddhist Kingdoms

  翻译《佛国记》(A Record of the Buddhist Kingdoms ),出版《汕头方言手册》( Handbook of the Swatow Dialect)和《从汕头 …
