
  • 网络Sports coach; Sports Coaching; athletic coach



Sports coach

体育教练(Sports coach) 12-18/每小时 16-25/每小时 20-50/每小时 医务:药剂师(Pharmacist) 39,000 49,OOO 60,OOO药剂 …

Sports Coaching

东伦敦大学体育课程Univ... ... 1. 健身与健康 Fitness and Health 2. 体育教练 Sports Coaching 3. 体育发展 Sports Development ...

athletic coach

...arlisle Indian School),他的体育教练(athletic coach)就发现了他卓越的运动才能(splendid athlete),并鼓励他专心从事运动(co…

sports instructor

罗老师 周五晚KET冲刺... ... radio station 电台 sports instructor 体育教练 set up exhibition 布置展览馆 ...

a sports coach

初中新目标英语短语大全_小园香径_天涯博客 ... library assistants 图书管理员 a sports coach 体育教练 go to the beach 去海滩 ...


刘毅词汇22000(带音标版) ... martial 好战的 mentor 顾问;体育教练 myrmidon 官员 ...

athletics coaches

Wimbledon Warm-up 温布尔顿热身 ... occupies third spot 位居世界第三 athletics coaches 体育教练 aggressive 主动进取的 ...

MSc Sport Coaching

拉夫堡... ... MSc Sport and Exercise Science, 体育与运动科学 MSc Sport Coaching体育教练 MSc Sport Management, …
