
  • 网络The Danger of Fake Commodities; fake commodities; Fake and shoddy products



The Danger of Fake Commodities

武汉一... ... My View on Job-Hopping( 我对“跳槽”现象的看法 The Danger of Fake Commodities( 伪劣产品 My Doll( 我的布娃娃…

fake commodities

六类话题搞定考研写作 ... 欺诈行为: dishonest behaviors 伪劣产品fake commodities 扭转趋势: reverse the trend ...

Fake and shoddy products

产品这个词译... ... Direct product 直接产品 Fake and shoddy products 伪劣产品 Famous brand high-quality products 名优产品 ...

Fake or Inferior Commodities

雅思法律类大作文词汇总结与分析-... ... Public Security 公共安全 Fake or Inferior Commodities 伪劣产品 Smuggling 走私 ...

low-quality goods

四字词组趣译_秊老师_新浪博客 ... 假冒产品 fake goods 伪劣产品 low-quality goods 名牌产品 name brand product ...

imitative and inferior commodity

市民心声 ... 投诉 lodge a complaint;register a beef 伪劣产品 imitative and inferior commodity;fake or shoddy products ...

fake and inferior goods

inferior goods是什么意思_inferior... ... reject inferior goods1. 拒绝劣质商品 fake and inferior goods1. 伪劣产品 ...

fake or substandard commodities

假冒伪劣产品,counterfeit and shoddy... ... ) fake commodities 假冒伪劣 ) fake or substandard commodities 伪劣产品 ...
