
  • n.communicable period
  • 网络infective stage; infective period; Period of communicability



communicable period

传染期(communicable period):指传染 病患者排出病原体的整个时期。 2. 病原携带者(carrier) 病原携带者(carrier) 病原携带者…

infective stage

译网情深 -... ... infantile stage 乳儿期 infective stage 感染期; 传染期 infective stage larva 感染期幼虫; 感染期蚴 ...

infective period

专业词汇在线翻译、... ... 感染性视神经炎 infective optic neuritis 传染期 infective period 感染性胸膜炎 infective pleurisy ...

Period of communicability

病毒性肠胃炎及流感之预防 - 免费文档下载 ... 潜伏期 Incubation period 传染期 Period of communicability 治疗方法 Treatment ...

Infectious period

danielladeru ... 密切接触者 Close contacts 传染期 Infectious period 患者 Patients ...

contagious period

yangjiejin ... 密切接触者 = close contact 传染期 = contagious period 患者 = patient ...


Syphilis ???????? Treponema pallidum ... Water -- 一、预防措施 Malaria -- 传染期 STD - 淋病疾病介绍 ...

stadium contagii

stadium是什么意思... ... stadium augment 增进期,进行期 stadium contagii 传染期 stadium defervescentiae 热退期 ...
