
  • 网络ideograph; associative compounds; associative character




英语字根表 ... hypotension 低血压 ideograph 会意字 illegal 非法的 用在l前 ...

associative compounds

dream_nimin131_wordpress_blog ... 彗星 彗星/ comet/ 会意字 会意字/ associative compounds/ 会友 会友/ membership/ ...

associative character

....如: 上(above),下(below).(3)会意字(associative character),它是由两个 或两个以上的指事性符号构成,其意义为该符号引起的 …

Associative Compound Characters

汉字规律/¥0.0/周健 出版社:上海教育出版社... ... 声旁表音 The Soudn Component 会意字 Associative Compound Characters ...

Associative characters

Easy Way to Learn Chinese Characters... ... 第4课 Lesson four 会意字 Associative characters 第5课 Lesson five ...

Associated Compounds Top

话题--Learn Chinese ... ... 词 Words Top 会意字 Associated Compounds Top 十个数字 Numerals from One to Ten Top ...

by knowing and understanding

羹 is 会意字(by knowing and understanding), which means "nice (delicious) lamb"鬻 is 形声字(by pictograph or phonogram), wh...
