
  • 网络Price Advantage; Market advantage; Advantage of price



Price Advantage

...Diller价格模型指出,影响的因素包括三个方面:价格优势(Price Advantage)、性价比(Price Quality)、价格诚实度(Price Hone…

Market advantage

8.价格优势Market advantage) 梦幻之旅自主研发软硬件系统,大大降低成本。

Advantage of price

...ce)、品牌价值(Value of brand)、价格优势(Advantage of price)、折现率(Discount rate)、忠诚度(Loyalty)。

Price Superiority

汽车配件加盟店简单说明 ... 标准化运营 Standardized Operation 价格优势 Price Superiority 世界品牌 World Brand ...

Pricing Advantages

2011年上海国际内衣展览会10月... ... Exhibition Function 展会功能: Pricing Advantages 价格优势: Exhibition Venue 展馆环 …

Superiority of price

导轨... ... 价格优势 Superiority of price 降低四分之一的维修及替换费用. Price of products being reduced by one half ...

Competitive pricing

2012 Customer... ... Global office network 完善环球网络 Competitive pricing 价格优势 Nominated by consignee 收货人指定 ...
