
  • na.cope with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle [policy]
  • 网络Maintaining the status quo; meet changes with constancy; acclimatize oneself to invariableness



Maintaining the status quo

...at)牌和自己手上(Hand)的牌型来决策若何打,以不变应万变(Maintaining the status quo);那那个时分估计自己手上是什么(Wha…

meet changes with constancy

翻译词汇|口译词汇·... ... 依法行政 perform official duties according to law 以不变应万变 meet changes with constancy ...

acclimatize oneself to invariableness

帮我翻译几个短语“以不变应万变”“... ... 寻找不对称性 look for asymmetry 以不变应万变 acclimatize oneself to invariableness ...

new york hotel deals on

什么意思_英语new_deals在线翻译_有道词典... ... Green New Deals 绿色新政 new york hotel deals on 以不变应万变 ...

Tocopewith shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle or policy

one size fits all

  以不变应万变one size fits all) 更具灵活性,提供了多种策略和激励性措施以实现有效的风险管理   宽泛粗略的框架性规定 更 …


...综合性资源收藏等因素的影响下,图书馆的生存哲学由“以不变应万变”(just-in-case)转变为“因应而变”(just-in-time)必然成为未 …
