
  • na.The benevolent has no enemy.
  • 网络The Invincible Medic; The benevolent have no enemy.; For a kind person is always invincible



The Invincible Medic

1980.07 仁者无敌The Invincible Medic) 卢海鹏、石修、李琳琳 跑龙套(跟班) 1980.11 冲击(The Adventures) 周润发、赵 …

The benevolent have no enemy.

中国成语英译(简体版) ... 己所不欲勿施于人 Do unto others as you would be done. 仁者无敌 The benevolent have no enemy

For a kind person is always invincible

中英文对照《国... ... 上苍之仁- We resort to the great kindness of God. 仁者无敌- For a kind person is always invincible. ...


我眼中的新闻院校排名 传媒考研论坛 传媒社区 ... lsdsthh( 嘉祥) iqcard( 仁者无敌) mediazhifu( 十米之外) ...


20CN网络安全小组论坛 - 轻松一刻 -... ... 回复: 天之痕[ xbcity] 回复: 仁者无敌[ lilong] 回复: 男男[ lovejjn] ...

The Invincible Power of Kindness

TI Lung 狄 龙 Di Long ... Blade of Fury 一刀倾城 The Invincible Power of Kindness 仁者无敌 A Killer's Blues 边缘岁月 ...

By duan

Photoshop - CGPAD.COM ... By fanlan( 凡浪) By duan( 仁者无敌) By danan06( 心朗如月) ...


骗与被骗_百度开心农场吧_百度贴吧 ... 阿秀 axiu 仁者无敌 lyf ...
