
  • 网络Faces as Red as Peach Blossoms; Peach-Blossom Face; Moment of truth



Faces as Red as Peach Blossoms

1949 年度影片列表 | 中文电影资料库 ... 云雨巫山枉断肠 Love with No Result 人面桃花相映红 Faces as Red as Peach Blossom

Peach-Blossom Face

1956... ... 云想衣裳花想容 Her Envious Beauty 人面桃花相映红 Peach-Blossom Face 倒乱乾坤 Turning Upside Down ...

Moment of truth

汤剑廷 出演的影片列表 ... 倒乱乾坤 Turning upside down 人面桃花相映红 Moment of truth 风雨断肠人 Broken heart ...

The peach blossoms mirrored each other

Girl face and peach flower mutual shine red

... 人面不知何处去, Girl face not know where place go, 人面桃花相映红Girl face and peach flower mutual shine red. ...

A rosy face was reflecting with peach blossom

as peach bloom her face was red

62首唐诗的翻译... ... This day last year this gate, 去年今日此门中, as peach bloom her face was red, 人面桃花相映红。 ...

Peach blossoms are as pink as her face

三月咏桃花诗英译... ... 人面桃花相映红 Peach blossoms are as pink as her face 人面而今何处去 Today I wonder where she is ...
