
  • na.the medium of exchange
  • 网络Medium of exchange; a medium of exchange; media of exchange



Medium of exchange

金融术语·新译通翻译公司-专业金融会计类翻译 ... legal tender 法币 medium of exchange 交换媒介 deferred payment 延期支付 ...

a medium of exchange

常用金融词汇 - 豆丁网 ... legal tender 法定货币 5 a medium of exchange 交换媒介 legal sanction 法律制裁 ...

the medium of exchange

一般人 的英文翻译 ... the matter 有问题, 有毛病 the medium of exchange 交换媒介 the mighty deep [诗]大海 ...

media of exchange

最新实用英汉国际金... ... mechanism of exchange 交易机构 证券的交易 media of exchange 交换媒介 matching account 对比 …

measure of exchange

英语单词measure是什么... ... measure of dissonance 不一致的变量 measure of exchange 交换媒介 measure of genus 亏格的 …


The Star of the Rodeo ... 20.stall n. 马厩 21.currency n. 交换媒介 1.asthma n. [医]气喘,哮喘 ...

Medium of Value

1.货币作为交换媒介Medium of Value):首要功能 2.货币作为记账单位(Unit of Account) 3.货币作为价值的贮藏(Store of …

medium exchange

medium... ... medium enterprise {n.}中型企业 medium exchange {n.}交换媒介 medium filtered cylinder oil 中级过滤汽缸油 ...
