
  • n.【食】Tea Flavored Boiled Eggs
  • 网络Flavored Eggs; spiced boiled egg with tea leaves; Spiced Tea Egg



Tea Flavored Boiled Eggs

跪求英语就餐用语... ... 69. 牛肉串 Beef Kebabs 70. 五香茶叶蛋 Tea Flavored Boiled Eggs 71. 杂碎 Lamb Chop Suey ...

Flavored Eggs

北京市饭店业菜单... ... 228 鲔鱼松饼 Tuna Muffin 229 五香茶叶蛋 Flavored Eggs 230 虾排乌冬面 Japanese Noodles with Praw…

spiced boiled egg with tea leaves

1 2 3 4 5 ... 五香带鱼^ spiced belt fish 五香茶叶蛋^ spiced boiled egg with tea leaves 冬菜^ spiced cabbage ...

Spiced Tea Egg

博文_木子的世界_新浪博客 ... Confessions of a Go-Go Girl 一个… Spiced Tea Egg 五香茶叶蛋 Crescent-Shaped Roll 奶油金 …

Five Spice Tea Leaf Egg

纤计画Keep Fit 食谱 ... 大蒜炒鱼球 Leeks and Fish Stirfry 五香茶叶蛋 Five Spice Tea Leaf Egg 煲仔鸡蛋乌冬面 Hot Pot Udon ...

Eggs with five spices and tea leaves

... 韭菜猪红 Pig's blood jelly with Chinese chives 五香茶叶蛋 Eggs with five spices and tea leaves ‧香港 Hong Kong ...

Marble Eggs

...andpa Soy Sauce Chicken) 五香茶叶蛋(Marble Eggs)/ 茶香卤珍肝(Tea Scented Chicken Liver) 24/04/2009(星期五) 7:00-9…
