
  • 网络Peanuts with Chinese Five Spices; Five Spiced Peanut; Peanuts with five spices



Peanuts with Chinese Five Spices

四海一佳 -... ... 北京泡菜 Beijing Style Kimchi 五香花生 Peanuts with Chinese Five Spices 拌海带丝 Chinese Seaweed Salad ...

Five Spiced Peanut

Menu QQ Noodle! Home of the best tasting... ... 五香花生( Five Spiced Peanut) 炸花生( Fried Peanut) ...

Peanuts with five spices

... 卤水凤爪 Spicy chicken feet 五香花生 Peanuts with five spices 咖喱鱼蛋牛柏叶 Fish balls and cow tripe in curry sauce ...

Spice Peanuts

Chef's Menu | Red Robe Tea House... ... - Bean Curd – 腐皮 5-Spice Peanuts五香花生 Chicken Wings – 鸡中翼 ...

spiced peanuts

烹 调... ... 什锦冷盘 assorted appetizer 五香花生 spiced peanuts 冷拌粉皮 cold vermicelli with mustard and meat shreds ...

Peanut With Special Hot Sauce

Hunan Style Restaurant -... ... $6.98凉拌腐竹 Cool Bamboo W/Special Chili $6.98五香花生 Peanut With Special Hot Sauce ...

hua sheng fly nuer

大话西游之解谜... ... 117/煮花生 hua sheng fly nuerguo 118/五香花生 hua sheng fly nuer 482/太极道袍 cloth changan e e e s ...
