
  • na.【食】a kind of Chinese wafers
  • 网络chinese wafers; white square rice cake; Yunpian Cake



chinese wafers

Character - Chinese... ... 云柱[ cloud column] 云片糕[ chinese wafers] 云开雾散[ when the clouds part,one sees the sun] ...

white square rice cake

进出口专业英语词汇(W2) ... white spruce 白云杉 white square rice cake 云片糕 white steam filature 白厂丝 ...

Yunpian Cake

求常用外轮伙食名称_百度知道 ... 桃酥 Nucleolus Crisp 云片糕 Yunpian Cake 巧果 Fried Thin Paste ...

ed white glutinous rice-cake

菜名2_jackmarine_新浪博客 ... shortcake 酥饼 square-shaped white glutinous rice-cake 云片糕 caviar on toast 黑鱼子土司 ...

White Cakes

咀香园饼家 ... 纽结脆糖 Crunchy Nougat 云片糕 White Cakes 汁猪油糕 Ginger Flavoured Chewy Bites ...

white suare rice cake

什么意思_英语white... ... white plaint rice 白饭 white suare rice cake 云片糕 white polished rice 碾过并除去糠的白色大米 ...
