
  • 网络secondary energy; secondary energy sources; second energy



secondary energy

石油词汇英语翻译(S) ... secondary effect 副效应 secondary energy 二次能源 secondary enlargement 次生扩大 ...

secondary energy sources

... 二次加工能力 the capacity to reprocess 二次能源 secondary energy sources;second energy 二次污染 secondary pollution ...

second energy

... 二次加工能力 the capacity to reprocess 二次能源 secondary energy sources;second energy 二次污染 secondary pollution ...

secondhand energy

化学及化工英语翻译中文词汇 -... ... secondary valence 副价 secondhand energy 二次能源 secretin 肠促胰液素 ...

derived energy

И |... ... withdrawal of a fuel assembly 燃料组件(自堆芯)抽(取)出* derived energy 二次能源* withdrawn 提取出的 ...

the second energy source

二次来源,s... ... ) secondary resources 二次资源 ) the second energy source 二次能源 ) secondary nitrogen source 二次氮源 ...

secondary combustion

二次能源;次生能源;物理性质,化学性质,英文名... ... 2) 二次能源; secondary combustion 4) 源; source ...
