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Breast tumor

... 237.70 Neurofibromatosis 神经纤维瘤病 237.70 239.3 Breast tumor 乳房肿瘤 239.3 239.6 Brain tumor 脑肿瘤 239.6 ...

mammary tumor

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业... ... 乳痨 mammary tuberculosis 乳房肿瘤 mammary tumor 乳房肿瘤细胞线 mammary tumor cel…

Breast tumors

四、乳房肿瘤 (Breast tumors)有研究针对360位停经妇女收集相关数据分析后发现,有较高prolactin levels者,将增加得到乳癌 …

Carcinoma of the Breast

第八章 乳房肿瘤Carcinoma of the Breast) 86第九章 妇科肿瘤(Gynecologic Cancer) 92第十章 泌尿道肿瘤(Urologic Ca…

Breast cancer

乳房肿瘤区域,breast tumor... ... ) breast neoplasms 乳房肿瘤 ) Breast cancer 乳房肿瘤 ) tumor region 肿瘤区域 ...

Mammary gland neoplasia

动物福利国 ... 假怀孕( False pregnancy) 乳房肿瘤( Mammary gland neoplasia) 急性下痢( Acute diarrhea) ...

Breast Oncology

中国医药大学全球... ... 减重外科 Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery 乳房肿瘤 Breast Oncology 肝脏移植门诊 Liver Transplantaion ...

podt surgery

各为大人阿~行行好 - Yahoo... ... (100mg/1cc) 病房病人诊断的翻译: (podt surgery) 乳房肿瘤 (chronic renal failure ) 尿毒症 ...
