
  • 网络Eyes raised,I see the moon so bright; I looked up to gaze at the moon; jyh touh wak met yuet



Eyes raised,I see the moon so bright

作文:论不可译性——理论反思与个... ... 举头望明月 Eyes raised,I see the moon so bright; 静夜思 Thoughts on a Silent Night…

I looked up to gaze at the moon

英语—诗 ... 床前明月光 The bright moonlight near my cot, 举头望明月 I looked up to gaze at the moon, ...

jyh touh wak met yuet

渝语_百度百科 ... gnih sis dis sak suak 疑是地上霜 jyh touh wak met yuet 举头望明月 dih touh sih gus xiak 低头思故乡 ...
