
  • na.plead for the people
  • 网络plead in the name of the people; plead on behalf of the people; Congressman can help the issues you concern



plead in the name of the people

Character -... ... 少数民族[ national minority] 为民请命[ plead in the name of the people] 无业游民[ vagrant;deadbeat] ...

plead for the people

plead... ... and plead for forgiveness : 向赵王请罪 plead for the people为民请命 Plead For Mercy : 祈求发慈悲 ...

plead on behalf of the people

2013年职称英语综合类高频词汇-on... ... 1.testify on behalf of sb. 为某人作证 2.plead on behalf of the people 为民请命 ...

Congressman can help the issues you concern
