
  • 网络toward this end; For this purpose; to this end



toward this end

自考《基础英语》英汉互译前十分白拿 - 自考365 ... 在…之前 prior to 为此目的 toward this end 由于…而发生 result from ...

For this purpose

语言学习 «... ... For the same reason… 同样道理 For this purpose为此目的 For this reason… 由于这个原因 ...

to this end

每日英语词汇 - CMM——Janet的日志 -... ... 2:one-way street 单行道 5:to this end 为此目的 8:abuse of public funds 滥用 …

to that end

... 169. to that effect 按那种意思; 带有那个[这个]意思 170. to that end 为此目的 171. to that extent 达到那样的程度 ...

for this end

in vain中文 ... 为出售而开出的票据 bill drawn for sale 为此目的 for this end ... 真实资料 actual data ...

for that aim

新体验2 Unit 3 B: The Ad Council at a... ... start to do 采取行动 for that aim 为此目的 Rosie the Riveter 铆工罗奇 ...

with this end in view

什么意思_英语end... ... toward this end in view 以此为目的 with this end in view 为此目的 wiht this end in view 为此 ...

