
  • na.win honour for the country [motherland]
  • 网络Glory for the country; win honors for one's country; Reflect Credit On One's Country



Glory for the country

由于咱们热爱刘翔,希冀刘翔能为国争光(Glory for the country),因此咱们哀痛。不过想在少的不是诅咒,我们往往在失去时才 …

win honour for the country

win_查单词短句_免费在线英语例句翻译 ... win honour for the country 为国争光 He strove to win the prize. 他努力以求获奖。 ...

win honors for one's country

阿丽斯的秘密书柜 中国特色英语词汇翻译 ... 微观搞活 micro-economic flexibility 为国争光 win honors for one's country ...

Reflect Credit On One's Country

什么意思... ... reflect redit on 给 Reflect Credit On One's Country 为国争光 Reflect Credit On One's Forefathers 荣宗耀祖 ...

Win Glory For The Motherland

什么意思_英语win_for在线翻译_有道词典... ... Win Glory For The Motherland 为国争光 win glory for our motherland 为国争光 ...

International Titles

win glory for our motherland

《四级考试词汇必备》第二... ... well founded 有根据的 win glory for our motherland 为国争光 within one's grasp 为某人能理解 ...

bring glory to our country
