- na.stand on the edge of a pool and idly long for fish
- 网络laoyeyee; Perch; Standing by the pond coveting for fish

stand on the edge of a pool and idly long for fish
渊_英文... ... 阿渊那1. Syngnathidae stand on the edge of a pool and idly long for fish 临渊羡鱼 a deep pool;abyss 深渊 ...
临渊羡鱼(laoyeyee) | Reply at 2008-8-22 10:05:00 | 回复 | 引用 | 举报34 # 吴刚(wzg7325003) | Reply at 2008-8-22 10:16:00 |...
临渊羡鱼(Perché)zhangbaiyu 临渊羡鱼(Perché) 林中飞的鸟(流水淙淙) 引用: bearsam(luckyqq老婆大人万岁) xiang 习惯寂寞(S…
Standing by the pond coveting for fish
临渊羡鱼(Standing by the pond coveting for fish) 齐宣王让孟子给他讲一讲善政是什么样子的。