
  • 网络CSNAME; China's Society of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering; CSNAME Chinese Society of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering




  颁奖典礼中,中国造船工程学会CSNAME)理事长黄平涛先生荣获“Seatrade终身成就奖”。   黄平涛,生于1938年1月3日,19…

China's Society of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

... China 中国国的中国产的 China's Society of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 中国造船工程学会 chinaware 磁器 ...

CSNAME Chinese Society of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

航海及海运... ... CSNAME Chinese Society of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 中国造船工程学会 cubage 容积求积 …

Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

希高翻译... ... Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers 中国造船工程学会 Chinese Ship 中国籍船舶 ...

Chinese Society of Naval architects & Marine Engineers

China Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

欢迎访问辽... ... 论文集征文通知 CALL FOR PAPERS 中国造船工程学会 China Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engine

China Society of Naval Architects and Marine Enginerrs
