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Four Great Inventions of Ancient China

雅思词汇:奥运会开幕式... ... printing 印刷术 Four Great Inventions of Ancient China 中国古代四大发明 Tai Chi 太极,太极拳 ...

The Four Great Inventions of Ancient China

CaptainToilet -... ... papermaking 造纸术 The Four Great Inventions of Ancient China (中国古代四大发明) compass 指南针 ...

the four ancient Chinese inventions

人教版高二英语下部分词组... ... 35.掌上电脑 a palmtop computer 36.中国古代四大发明 the four ancient Chinese inventions ...

Four Inventions in Ancient China

Confucius Institute ... CHINESE ARCHITECTURE- 中国建筑 Four Inventions in Ancient China- 中国古代四大发明 ...


中国古代四大发明(ScienceStoriesofAncientChina...英文)中国古代四大发明——中国古代科学故事丛书(英文版) 互动 京高校免 …

China's Four Great Inventions

... 1. China's Four Great Inventions 中国古代四大发明 1. Four Great Inventions of Ancient China 中国古代的四大发明 ...
