
  • 网络The Chinese people have risen to their feet; The Chinese has stood up.; n The Chinese People Have Stood Up



The Chinese people have risen to their feet

中考英语复习32... ... ② The Chinese people have risen to their feet. 中国人民站起来了。 ③ He rises very early. 他起床很早 …

The Chinese has stood up.

Schipper Kristofer... ... The Chinese has stood up. 中国人民站起来了 The nation integrity was recovered 国家主权得以恢复 ...

n The Chinese People Have Stood Up

... n 3、唐外长结束六国之行 n Tang Winds Up Six-Nation Tour n 4、中国人民站起来了 n The Chinese People Have Stood Up ...

Chinese people stood up

启蒙宝典:振奋中国人的箴言、口号... ... 将革命进行到底 Carry on revolution exactly 中国人民站起来了 Chinese people stood u

Chinese people stand tall

2010年10月01日 -... ... Chinese people stand tall. 中国人民站起来了。 Women hold up half the sky. 妇女撑起半边天。 ...

He famously stated that the Chinese people had stood up

The Chinese people have risen to there feet

英语问题谢谢... ... The river/price rose.( 河水/价格上涨) The Chinese people have risen to there feet.( 中国人民站起来了) ...
