
  • 网络department of traditional Chinese medicine; Traditional Chinese Medicine; department of TCM



department of traditional Chinese medicine

医院门诊... ... 外科专家门诊 Specialist clinic 中医科 Department of traditional Chinese Medicine 检查室 Examination room ...

Traditional Chinese Medicine

医院各科室英文标示_弓虽龙_新浪博客 ... 外 科 Surgery 中医科 Traditional Chinese Medicine 理疗室 Physical Therapy Room ...

department of TCM

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双语例句 ... 针科 department of 中医科 department of TCM 针科 department of acupu…

Traditional chinese medicine dept.

医学院校... ... Thoracic surgery dept.[ 胸外科] Traditional chinese medicine dept.[ 中医科] Traumatology dept.[ 创伤外科] ...

Traditional Chinese Medicine Department

帮翻译... ... 发热观察室 feverish observation room 中医科 traditional chinese medicine department 输液大厅 infusion hall ...

Traditional Medicine

楼层分布_无锡虹桥医院_无锡妇科医院... ... 康复治疗室 Rehabilitation room 中医科 Traditional Medicine 儿科 Pediatrics ...

TCM department

...esthesiology department),中医科TCM department), 精神病科(psychiatry department), 骨科(orthopediacs departme…
