
  • na.be unaware of the truth
  • 网络not in the know; Ignorant Of The Facts; Keychain



not in the know

know的翻译中文意思... ... be in the know 知道内情[内幕] not in the know 不明真相 those in the know [口]消息灵通人士 ...

Ignorant Of The Facts

什么意思_英语ignorant_of在线翻译_有道词典... ... Ignorant of the sublime 无知的崇高 Ignorant Of The Facts 不明真相 ...


HTC安卓4.0可精简列表对照表_IT168 ... KaixinPlugin 开心网 可选删除 Keychain 不明真相 否 LMW 低内存监控工具 否 ...

Know the truth

不明真相 (Know the truth)

don't understand the actual situation

GFW BLOG(功夫网与翻墙): Dec 7, 2010 ... 1. 被时代 era of passive tense 3. 不明真相 don't understand the actual situation ...

be ignorant of the facts

什么意思... ... be ignorant of sth 对 be ignorant of the facts 不明真相 to be ignorant of something 指对某事毫不知情 ...


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